We’re the period equity movement’s lawyers, fighting for tax-free, toxin-free, environmentally sustainable menstrual products that are freely available to everyone who needs them.
We work with volunteer attorneys from around the country to advance state and federal period equity policies. We do this by supplying legal research and support to state-based advocates and national period equity organizations.
When we’ve had to, we’ve sued. Our class action lawsuits seeking to end the tampon tax—in New York (filed with Emery Celli) and in Michigan (filed with WilmerHale and Schiff Hardin)—yielded swift legislative repeal.
Our work has helped end the unfair, regressive, and unconstitutional collection of sales tax on medically necessary products in 20 states, representing an annual savings of over $126 million. We have 20 states—roughly $96 million— to go.